Meg Irwin
Scheduling and LCSC Social Work Intern
“Good communication is just as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after.” – Anne Morrow Lindbergh
I know from experience that communication can be tough and uncomfortable. Oftentimes, it can leave you thinking, interrupting your daily processes. However, it is an essential part of the human experience and needs to be conducted in a safe and open environment. In order to move through life and to obtain your goals, be personal and/or professional, it all boils down to effective communication. This is how we not only build trust with others but also what we must do to help ourselves move through any unhealed events that are hindering personal success. Conversing may not always be easy or seem like progress is being made, but it is essential to trust the process.
Meg Irwin is currently in her final year in the Social Work Bachelor’s program with Lewis-Clark State College. Additionally, she has a prior Bachelor’s from Washington State University focusing on business, human development and psychology with a minor in criminal justice. However, she felt she was missing something and found the field of Social Work. Meg knew this was her calling. She cares deeply about helping others and has done so for most of her life. This is how she has been able to develop, being an ear for her friends and family, and offering assistance when available. She knew Social Work was the best path to where she could make the most positive impacts in helping others with the trials and turns of being a human.